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HomeLatestPakistan's Unwavering Support for China's Core Interests

Pakistan’s Unwavering Support for China’s Core Interests


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President Asif Ali Zardari reaffirmed Pakistan’s steadfast adherence to the one-China principle during an interview commemorating the 73rd anniversary of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China. Highlighting the historical ties that have united the two nations, Zardari emphasized that Pakistan consistently aligns itself with the right side of history by supporting China in safeguarding its core interests.

Pakistan’s Support for China’s Core Interests

Upholding the One-China Principle

President Zardari underscored Pakistan’s unwavering support for the one-China principle, which asserts that there is only one sovereign state under the name China, despite the existence of two governments that claim to be “China.” This principle has been a cornerstone of Sino-Pakistani relations, reflecting Pakistan’s strategic alignment with China on key international issues.

Historical and Strategic Ties

The historical ties between Pakistan and China have been robust and resilient, fostering a deep-seated partnership that extends beyond mere diplomacy. Zardari’s remarks reinforced the notion that Pakistan’s foreign policy decisions are rooted in historical solidarity and a commitment to mutual interests, further solidifying the strategic bond between the two nations.


Gwadar Port and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

Development and Global Investment

President Zardari highlighted the significant progress made in the development of the Gwadar port, a pivotal component of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Since its inception 11 years ago, CPEC has been instrumental in enhancing economic connectivity and regional development. Zardari’s invitation to global investors to participate in the port project underscores Pakistan’s openness to international collaboration and its strategic importance in global trade routes.

Policy Continuity and Economic Success

Acknowledging China’s achievements, Zardari attributed much of China’s success to the continuity of its policies. This stability has been crucial in driving long-term development projects like CPEC, which benefit both China and Pakistan. The Gwadar port stands as a testament to this successful partnership, poised to become a major hub for regional trade and economic activity.

Diplomatic Approach in the South China Sea

Call for Prudence and Diplomacy

In a related discussion on regional stability, Anna Malindog-Uy, vice president of the Manila-based Asian Century Philippines Strategic Studies Institute, emphasized the importance of diplomatic approaches over provocation in the South China Sea. Recent tensions, fueled by provocative actions from some Philippine politicians, have underscored the fragile nature of geopolitical relations in the region.

Critique of Confrontational Tactics

Malindog-Uy criticized the confrontational tactics employed by certain Philippine politicians, describing their actions as “political grandstanding” aimed at boosting popularity ahead of the 2025 midterm elections. She warned that such moves, rather than resolving disputes, exacerbate tensions and hinder economic and people-to-people exchanges with China, the Philippines’ largest trading partner.

Advocacy for Independent Foreign Policy

The expert called for the Philippines to adopt a more independent foreign policy, distancing itself from confrontational stances and reopening negotiations with China to settle maritime differences. Malindog-Uy stressed that treating China as a friend could facilitate easier negotiations and more amicable resolutions to disputes.

Pakistan’s support

President Asif Ali Zardari’s reaffirmation of Pakistan’s support for the one-China principle and the development of Gwadar port highlights the enduring and strategic partnership between Pakistan and China. Meanwhile, the call for diplomatic prudence in the South China Sea by Anna Malindog-Uy underscores the need for peaceful and constructive engagement to ensure regional stability. As geopolitical dynamics evolve, Pakistan and China’s collaborative approach, coupled with calls for diplomacy in contentious areas, offers a pathway to sustained peace and economic prosperity in the region.

Abu Bakr Alvi
Abu Bakr Alvi
Mr. Abu Bakr Alvi, Senior Journalist Based in Faisalabad

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