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HomeLatestStrategic Alliance: US Supports Pakistan’s Anti-Extremist Drive

Strategic Alliance: US Supports Pakistan’s Anti-Extremist Drive


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The United States has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting Pakistan in counter-terrorism efforts through ongoing security cooperation. This renewed partnership is evident in recent joint military exercises and strategic dialogues aimed at combating terrorism. Pakistan Army operation against extremists, the nature of the bilateral cooperation, and its broader implications for regional stability.

Historical Context of US-Pakistan Security Cooperation

The United States and Pakistan have a long-standing history of security cooperation, particularly focused on counter-terrorism. This partnership has been shaped by mutual interests in regional stability and combating extremist threats. Over the years, various administrations have worked together to address common security challenges, with the relationship often evolving in response to changing geopolitical dynamics.

Recent Developments in US-Pakistan Counter-Terrorism Collaboration

Ongoing Security Cooperation

At a recent news briefing in Washington, Pentagon Press Secretary Major-General Patrick S. Ryder highlighted the enduring security cooperation between the US and Pakistan. He emphasized that both nations share a focus on counter-terrorism and have a long history of collaboration in this domain. This ongoing relationship aims to address new opportunities and challenges as they arise​.

Joint Military Exercises

The Pakistan-United States Infantry Rifle Company Exchange Exercise-2024 is a testament to the robust military cooperation between the two nations. This two-week anti-terror joint military exercise, held at the National Counter Terrorism Centre in Pabbi, Kharian district, Punjab province, involves infantry companies from both countries. The exercise aims to exchange tactical skills and refine procedures essential for counter-terrorism operations​​.

The focus of the exercise includes gaining marksmanship skills during urban warfare, understanding best practices adopted at the sub-unit level, and sharing counter-terrorism experiences. This initiative is part of broader efforts to enhance the operational readiness and effectiveness of both armies in combating terrorism​​.

US Perspective on Pakistan’s Internal Matters

US officials have consistently emphasized that Pakistan’s internal political matters, including the detention of PTI founder Imran Khan, are for Pakistan to address independently. However, the US has also urged Pakistan to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, association, peaceful assembly, and religion​​.

Economic and Strategic Impact

Impact on Regional Stability

The renewed focus on counter-terrorism cooperation between the US and Pakistan is crucial for regional stability. Extremist activities in Pakistan have implications for neighboring countries, particularly Afghanistan. By enhancing Pakistan’s counter-terrorism capabilities, the US aims to curb extremist threats that could destabilize the broader South Asian region​​.

Economic Implications

Effective counter-terrorism measures can also have significant economic benefits. By improving security, Pakistan can attract more foreign investment and boost economic growth. Stability is a key factor for investors, and a successful counter-terrorism strategy can enhance Pakistan’s economic prospects. The US support in this area can thus contribute to broader economic stability and development in Pakistan​​.

Broader Implications for US-Pakistan Relations

The joint military exercises and ongoing security cooperation signify a strengthening of US-Pakistan relations. This collaboration reflects mutual interests in combating terrorism and ensuring regional security. Moreover, it demonstrates the US’s commitment to supporting Pakistan’s efforts to maintain internal stability and security.

Operation against extremists

The US-backed Pakistan Army operation against extremists marks a significant step in the longstanding counter-terrorism partnership between the two nations. Through joint military exercises and strategic dialogues, both countries are working to enhance their operational capabilities and address common security challenges. This cooperation not only aims to curb extremist threats but also holds broader implications for regional stability and economic growth. As the US and Pakistan continue to navigate their complex relationship, their shared focus on counter-terrorism remains a pivotal aspect of their bilateral ties.

Abu Bakr Alvi
Abu Bakr Alvi
Mr. Abu Bakr Alvi, Senior Journalist Based in Faisalabad

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