Tuesday, January 21, 2025



think tank calls for inquiry into workplace response

A think tank has said the government’s “light-touch” approach to regulating workplaces during the pandemic has led to a failure of the Health and...

Australian think tank is lead the coronavirus investigation

Think-tanks will contend for a boost to unemployment benefits at a Senate request into the government's reaction to the corona-virus widespread. The Australia think tank...

Scottish think tank urges introduction of universal wage

ONE of Scotland’s leading think tanks has called for the introduction of a universal basic income (UBI) of £5200 a year. In their latest briefing...

Pandemic accelerate economic activities more online; Pakistani think tank

Report :  Majid Mahmood The outbreak of Corona virus disease (COVID- 19) has caught the world surprised and unprepared. The disease was declared as a Pandemic...

78% Pakistanis ready to sacrifice their rights to curb coronavirus: thinktank

Around 78% of Pakistanis are prepared to give up a few of their human rights to check the flare-up of coronavirus within the nation,...
