Thursday, May 9, 2024
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Climate Change


Navigating 2024: Water Industry Priorities Unveiled by Think Tanks

As the water industry sets sail into 2024, two significant initiatives, the American Water Works Association’s (AWWA) Water 2050 and the National Rural Water...

Pollution Knows No Borders: South Asia’s Silent Struggle

In the heart of Pakistan's cultural capital, Lahore, the air carries an acrid scent, marking a stark departure from the city's once-renowned gardens. The...

Davos 2024: Global Leaders Tackle Climate Crisis and AI’s Impact

As the World Economic Forum (WEF) unfolds in Davos, Switzerland, global leaders grapple with an extensive agenda that includes climate change, regional conflicts, and...

Think tank: Japan’s Green Energy Dreams Leave BC Forests in Ruin

Exploring the environmental repercussions of Japan's increasing reliance on wood pellets from British Columbia, this article delves into the disturbing aftermath of clearcutting in...

Wind Generation Surges, Leaving Coal Behind in Europe

In a historic shift, Europe's wind energy outpaces coal in electricity generation, marking a crucial milestone in the region's transition to cleaner energy sources. Europe's...

COP28 Draft Dilemma: Global Think Tank Sparks Debate Over Fossil Fuel Phasing

The latest draft of a potential climate deal unveiled at the COP28 summit in Dubai has stirred global controversy by omitting the explicit "phase...

Developed Nations Urged to Lead in Green Economy Transition

The recent report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), titled 'Provisional State of the Global Climate 2023,' has brought attention to the alarming acceleration...