A recent article in Malaysia’s theSun newspaper sheds light on the urgent reality of climate change while addressing the country’s religious divisions. Think tank researchers Heidi Young and Vanessa Wong emphasize the need for Malaysians to confront the apathy surrounding climate change and adopt a collective, inclusive mindset to tackle the imminent threat.
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Religious Divisions Overshadow Climate Concerns:
The article draws attention to the paradoxical prioritization of religious issues over climate change in Malaysia. Despite facing scorching heatwaves and drying padi fields, the nation’s focus remains fixated on court rulings related to religious terminologies.
While some leaders advocate for closed-door discussions, critics engage in verbal clashes, diverting attention away from the pressing climate crisis.
The Divisive Role of Politics and Religion:
The piece highlights how politics and religion, the two pillars of civilization, are currently contributing to humanity’s division instead of fostering unity. The fixation on race and religion as criteria for governance, rather than competence and national interest, hinders progress and cooperation.
The failure to transcend religious and racial boundaries further exacerbates divisions within society, hindering efforts to address global challenges like climate change.
Lack of Climate Change Awareness and Apathy:
Examining the reasons behind Malaysians’ apathy toward climate change, the article refers to a seven-year record that reflects a strong identification with religious groups among respondents.
Despite warnings from prominent figures about the need to prioritize national interests above racial and religious divisions, political campaigning during the recent general election saw the escalation of race and religion as divisive tools. Consequently, climate change fails to be a top concern among Malaysians, in contrast to global sentiment.

The Impact of Divisions on Climate Change Action:
The article underscores the detrimental impact of racial and religious undercurrents on society’s ability to address climate change. The neuroscience concept of “attentional bottleneck” is invoked to explain how preoccupation with divisive issues impedes the collective resolve to combat climate change.
The article emphasizes that harmonizing differences and embracing collaboration are essential for humanity to effectively respond to the climate crisis.
Embracing Differences and Collaborating for a Sustainable Future:
Science affirms the interconnectedness and interdependence of all life on Earth. The article cites the example of Sabah and Sarawak, where people have learned to live harmoniously despite religious differences.
It argues that embracing differences is crucial because diversity is the essence of life. Future articles promise to explore the significance of natural differences and provide guidance on harmonizing theological disparities, highlighting the path toward collaboration and a sustainable future.
Climate change poses a significant threat to Malaysia, exacerbating existing environmental challenges and impacting the nation’s diverse ecosystems, economy, and communities. The country is experiencing rising temperatures, more frequent and intense heatwaves, changing rainfall patterns, and an increased risk of extreme weather events such as floods and storms.
These changes have severe implications for sectors such as agriculture, water resources, and coastal areas. Additionally, Malaysia’s rich biodiversity and unique ecosystems, including its tropical rainforests, face the risk of habitat loss and species extinction.
Recognizing the urgency, there is a growing need for comprehensive climate action, including mitigation efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation measures to build resilience and protect vulnerable communities. Collaboration between government, civil society, and private sectors is crucial to address the multifaceted challenges of climate change and ensure a sustainable future for Malaysia.