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HomeLatestExpanding Belt and Road: China, Pakistan, and Taliban's Vision

Expanding Belt and Road: China, Pakistan, and Taliban’s Vision


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In a significant move, the Taliban is set to participate in China’s Belt and Road Forum, emphasizing the growing ties between the militant group and Beijing.

This development occurs despite the Taliban’s lack of formal recognition by any government, raising questions about the dynamics of their partnership. In this article, we explore the implications of the Taliban’s presence at the Belt and Road Forum and its relationship with Pakistan.


Belt and Road Forum Inclusion

The Belt and Road Forum, scheduled in Beijing to celebrate the 10th anniversary of President Xi Jinping’s ambitious global infrastructure and energy initiative, is among the most high-profile multilateral summits the Taliban has been invited to attend. This indicates a deepening relationship between the militant group and the Chinese administration.


Afghanistan’s Untapped Resources

Afghanistan, despite its tumultuous history, possesses a wealth of valuable mineral resources. These resources, which include copper, gold, and lithium, were estimated to be worth between $1 trillion and $3 trillion in 2010. While the current value remains uncertain, it presents an attractive prospect for investors.


China’s Interest in Afghanistan

China has been in talks with the Taliban regarding a potential massive copper mine in eastern Afghanistan. This engagement highlights China’s economic interests in Afghanistan and its willingness to work with the Taliban on infrastructure and resource development.


Infrastructure Development and Connectivity

Discussions in Beijing will also focus on plans to construct a road through the Wakhan corridor, a mountainous region in northern Afghanistan. This road aims to provide direct access to China, further enhancing the connectivity between the two nations.


Expanding Belt and Road

China, Pakistan, and the Taliban have expressed their interest in expanding the Belt and Road Initiative to include Afghanistan. Additionally, they are considering extending the flagship China Pakistan Economic Corridor into Afghanistan. These moves underscore China’s commitment to regional development and infrastructure expansion.


Taliban’s Quest for Recognition

The Taliban has struggled to gain formal recognition from any government since taking control of Afghanistan two years ago. Concerns regarding restrictions on women’s rights and access to public life have hindered their acceptance, particularly in Western countries.


China’s Engagement with the Taliban

China has taken a unique approach to its engagement with the Taliban, appointing an ambassador to Kabul and investing in mining projects. Beijing’s increased involvement in Afghanistan’s affairs is in stark contrast to the stance of many other nations.




The Taliban’s participation in China’s Belt and Road Forum signals a complex alliance that raises intriguing questions about the future of Afghanistan and its role in China’s ambitious infrastructure and energy initiative. As China and the Taliban work together on various economic projects, the implications for Afghanistan’s development and international recognition remain uncertain. This partnership is a significant development in the geopolitical landscape and bears close observation in the coming years.

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