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HomeLatestMiddle East on Edge: US Fears Greater War with Hezbollah

Middle East on Edge: US Fears Greater War with Hezbollah


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The United States has expressed significant concerns about the potential for an escalating conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. This apprehension stems from recent events and the historical context of hostilities between these two parties. The current situation in the Middle East is volatile, with the possibility of a broader regional war becoming increasingly likely. This article delves into the reasons behind the U.S. prediction of a “greater war” and explores its potential global ramifications.

Escalating Tensions: A Brief Overview

Over the past few months, clashes between Israel and Hezbollah have intensified, particularly along the Israel-Lebanon border. Hezbollah, a Lebanese Shia militant group backed by Iran, has been involved in near-daily skirmishes with Israeli forces. The conflict saw a significant escalation when Hezbollah launched hundreds of rockets and drones at Israeli military sites following the death of one of its commanders.

The U.S. has been actively involved in diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation. Amos Hochstein, a White House envoy, recently visited Lebanon to meet with key political figures, including Lebanon’s Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, a known ally of Hezbollah. Hochstein’s mission is to prevent the ongoing skirmishes from spiraling into a full-scale war.

Key Factors Driving the Prediction

Historical Hostilities: The history of conflict between Israel and Hezbollah is marked by periodic escalations and significant violence. The 2006 Lebanon War, which resulted in heavy casualties and widespread destruction, serves as a grim reminder of the potential for large-scale conflict.

Iran’s Influence: Hezbollah is heavily supported by Iran, both financially and militarily. The U.S. believes that any major conflict involving Hezbollah could quickly draw in Iran, escalating the situation into a wider regional conflict. Hochstein warned Israeli officials that continued hostilities with Hezbollah might provoke a large-scale Iranian response.

Gaza Conflict: The recent war in Gaza has added another layer of complexity to the Israel-Hezbollah conflict. Hezbollah’s attacks on Israel are partly in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza. The group has stated it will continue its operations unless there is a ceasefire in Gaza, linking the two conflicts.

Military Preparedness: Both Israel and Hezbollah have been preparing for potential large-scale military engagements. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to restore security in the north, while Hezbollah has showcased its military capabilities through drone footage of Israeli military installations and critical infrastructure.

Global Implications

The potential for a greater war between Israel and Hezbollah carries significant global implications:

Regional Stability: An escalation could destabilize the entire Middle East. Neighboring countries like Syria and Lebanon could be directly affected, while Gulf states might also get involved, either directly or through proxy support.

Global Energy Markets: The Middle East is a critical region for global energy supplies. Any significant conflict could disrupt oil and gas supplies, leading to increased prices and economic instability worldwide.

International Diplomatic Efforts: The U.S. and its allies, including the EU, are likely to intensify their diplomatic efforts to prevent a war. This includes pushing for ceasefires and facilitating peace talks between the involved parties.

Humanitarian Crisis: A full-scale war would result in a severe humanitarian crisis, with massive civilian casualties and displacement. International aid organizations would face immense challenges in providing relief to affected populations.

“Greater war”

The U.S. prediction of a “greater war” between Israel and Hezbollah is grounded in the historical context of their conflict, the influence of Iran, and the recent escalations linked to the Gaza war. The potential for such a conflict carries dire global implications, affecting regional stability, global energy markets, and international diplomatic efforts. Preventing this war is of utmost importance, requiring urgent and coordinated international intervention to achieve a lasting peace.

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