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HomeLatestTrump's Triumph: Why Experts Predict a 2024 Win

Trump’s Triumph: Why Experts Predict a 2024 Win


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The 2024 U.S. presidential election is shaping up to be one of the most contentious and pivotal in modern history. As the race intensifies, many global observers and analysts believe that former President Donald Trump has a significant chance of winning. This belief is driven by several factors, including his enduring base of support, the current political climate, and the dynamics of international trade.

Enduring Base of Support

Despite facing multiple legal challenges and controversies, Trump maintains a strong and loyal base. His rallies continue to draw large crowds, and his messaging resonates deeply with many Americans who feel left behind by globalization and technological advancements. According to a recent poll by YouGov, Trump’s approval rating among Republicans remains high, underscoring his influence within the party.

Political Climate and Biden’s Challenges

President Joe Biden faces significant hurdles as he seeks re-election. His administration has been criticized for handling various issues, from the economy to foreign policy. The Biden administration’s struggles with inflation, immigration, and healthcare have left many voters disillusioned. Furthermore, Biden’s age and perceived lack of vigor have become focal points in the campaign, especially in contrast to Trump’s more dynamic public persona.

Impact of the Debates

The upcoming presidential debates are expected to play a crucial role in shaping voter perceptions. Historically, debates have provided candidates with a platform to address the nation directly, showcase their policies, and challenge their opponents. In the 2024 cycle, debates hosted by CNN and ABC are anticipated to be critical moments for both Biden and Trump.

Trump’s ability to dominate debate stages with his aggressive style could work to his advantage, especially if Biden appears less confident or falters under pressure. The debates will be an opportunity for Trump to shift the narrative around his legal issues and present himself as the more capable leader.

International Perspectives and Trade Implications

Trump’s potential victory has significant implications for international trade. During his first term, Trump adopted a protectionist trade policy, including imposing tariffs on Chinese goods. This approach disrupted global supply chains and strained relationships with key allies. Should Trump win in 2024, it is likely he would double down on these policies, potentially leading to a new wave of trade tensions.

Countries like China are particularly wary of a second Trump term. Trump’s hardline stance on trade with China, including tariffs and sanctions, had a substantial impact on the Chinese economy. According to Bloomberg, Chinese officials are preparing for the possibility of renewed trade conflicts and are seeking to diversify their economic partnerships to mitigate the impact.

European Union’s Concerns

The European Union (EU) also has a vested interest in the outcome of the U.S. election. Trump’s previous tenure saw a cooling of transatlantic relations, with disputes over NATO funding, trade imbalances, and regulatory standards. A Trump victory could lead to renewed friction, particularly if he pursues policies that undermine EU unity or push for more aggressive trade negotiations.

The Economic Factor

The state of the U.S. economy will be a critical factor in the 2024 election. While the economy has shown signs of recovery post-pandemic, challenges remain. Inflation, labor shortages, and supply chain disruptions continue to affect economic stability. Trump’s economic policies, which emphasize deregulation and tax cuts, appeal to many voters who believe these measures will spur growth and create jobs.

Complex interplay

The belief that Trump could win the 2024 election is rooted in a complex interplay of factors, including his unwavering base, the current political climate, and the potential impacts on international trade. As the election approaches, the world will be closely watching the developments, debates, and campaign strategies that will ultimately determine the next President of the United States. Whether Trump can capitalize on these elements and secure a victory remains to be seen, but the stakes for both the U.S. and the global community are undeniably high.


By understanding the dynamics at play and the potential consequences of a Trump victory, both American voters and international stakeholders can better prepare for the possible outcomes of the 2024 election.

Wasim Qadri
Wasim Qadri
Islamabad based Senior Journalist, TV Show Host, Media Trainer, can be follow on twitter @jaranwaliya

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