Saturday, May 18, 2024

Zain Saleem

Zain Saleem is an Islamabad-based Senior Journalist

Pope’s Partnership with Silicon Valley Creates AI Ethics Think Tank

The Vatican has joined forces with Santa Clara University's Markkula Center for Applied Ethics to establish the Institute for Technology, Ethics, and Culture (ITEC)....

Think Tank Analysis: Diplomatic Activity Raises Hope for De-escalation in Iran-West Tensions

Recent diplomatic engagements between Iran and Western nations have generated optimism for a potential de-escalation in tensions. Despite Iran's support for Russia and the...

Think Tank Research Indicates Napping Raises Obesity Risk

Are midday siestas a hidden secret for better health? A recent study conducted by Spanish scientists has examined the relationship between napping habits and...

Think Tank Experts Analyze Shell’s Exit from Pakistan and its Implications

Shell's recent announcement of its intent to exit Pakistan has raised concerns about the country's economic prospects. However, a deeper examination reveals that this...

Research Reveals Dangerous Side Effects of Bodybuilding Supplements in 2023

Introduction: Bodybuilding supplements are widely used by men over 50 to support their fitness goals. However, recent research sheds light on the potential dangers associated...

Think Tank Analysis: Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Brain Drain in Pakistan

Pakistan, a country known for its rich human capital and potential, is grappling with a significant issue: brain drain. The phenomenon of brain drain...

US Defense-Funded Think Tanks Shape Media Discourse on Ukraine War

Foreign policy think tanks in the United States are facing scrutiny due to their close ties to the defense industry and lack of transparency...