Saturday, May 18, 2024

Zain Saleem

Zain Saleem is an Islamabad-based Senior Journalist

Think Tank’s ‘Akhand Bharat’ Map Sparks Outrage in Neighboring States

The inclusion of a map depicting 'Akhand Bharat' or Undivided India in India's newly inaugurated parliament building on May 28 has sparked widespread controversy,...

Policy Powerhouses: Think Tanks Align to Bolster Pakistan-Malaysia Diplomatic Relations

During a virtual meeting, the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) and the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) of Malaysia reaffirmed their...

Think Tanks Absent in Many African Countries, Weakening Policy-Making and Promoting Manipulation

The absence of think tanks in many African countries is a cause for concern. These institutions play a vital role in informing policy decisions...

Think Tank Reports Spark Concerns Over Financial Stability of 200 Banks

As the global financial crisis continues to impact the banking sector, there are growing concerns about the financial stability of smaller banks. Recent reports...

Beijing Limits Chinese Data in Response to US Think Tank Reports

Beijing has reportedly put a lid on Chinese data after reports by US think tanks exposed the extent of China's data collection practices. The...

Russian Government Silences Independent Voices: SOVA Think Tank Shut Down

Russian authorities have dealt another blow to freedom of speech and civil society by shutting down the SOVA Center, a leading Moscow-based think tank...

New world record breaks on military spending; Stockholm-based think tank

According to a recent report by a Stockholm-based think tank, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has led to record-high global military spending. The report...