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Canada Pledges $5B to Ukraine as Tensions with Russia Soar


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The geopolitical landscape has significantly shifted following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, leading to heightened tensions between Russia and Western nations, including Canada. This article explores the rising strain between Canada and Russia, focusing on recent military maneuvers, political stances, and the broader implications for international security.

Monitoring Russian Naval Movements

Recently, Canadian military forces have been actively tracking Russian naval activities near North America. This includes monitoring a Russian nuclear-powered submarine and other vessels as they visit Cuba. The Department of National Defence (DND) of Canada confirmed that both a Royal Canadian Air Force CP-140 Aurora aircraft and the HMCS Ville de Québec are involved in observing these movements. The presence of these Russian vessels, especially following their “high-precision missile weapons” training in the Atlantic, is seen as a show of force by the Kremlin amid ongoing tensions over the Ukraine war​ (SIPRI)​​ (ANKASAM)​.

The Russian flotilla, comprising a submarine and a navy frigate armed with hypersonic, cruise, and anti-ship missiles, arrived in Havana’s harbor, joining a tugboat and a fuel ship already present. This deployment is interpreted as a demonstration of Russian naval capability and an assertion of military presence in the Western Hemisphere, coinciding with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Canada’s Support for Ukraine

Canada has been a staunch supporter of Ukraine since the onset of the conflict. Recently, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a significant financial contribution of $5 billion to support Ukraine, part of a broader G7 initiative to assist in Ukraine’s defense against Russian aggression. This contribution aims to leverage frozen Russian assets to secure financial aid for Ukraine, enhancing its military capabilities and economic resilience​ (SIPRI)​.

The G7 leaders, including Canada, are finalizing a new deal to use frozen Russian assets to aid Ukraine. The U.S., with Canada’s support, has proposed using the interest on approximately 200 billion euros in frozen Russian assets, mostly held in Europe, to secure a $50 billion US bank loan for ongoing support for Ukraine. This financial strategy underscores the collective Western effort to sustain Ukraine’s defense capabilities and economic stability amidst the ongoing conflict​ (ANKASAM)​.

Impact of Sanctions and Military Spending

The conflict has also led to an escalation in military expenditures globally, reflecting the increased insecurity. Russia’s military spending surged by 24% in 2023, while Ukraine’s military expenditure rose by 51%, largely supported by international aid. This militarization trend is a direct response to the deteriorating security environment, indicating a potential for an action-reaction spiral in global defense postures​ (SIPRI)​​ (ANKASAM)​.

Sanctions have been a key tool in the Western response to Russian aggression. These measures have targeted a wide range of Russian individuals and entities, aiming to cripple the Russian economy and limit its ability to sustain military operations in Ukraine. The efficacy of these sanctions is subject to debate, with some arguing that they are essential in exerting economic pressure on Moscow, while others point to potential negative repercussions for global markets, particularly in energy supply​ (ANKASAM)​.

Diplomatic and Economic Strains

The ongoing conflict has strained diplomatic relations between Canada and Russia. Canada’s consistent support for Ukraine, coupled with its participation in imposing sanctions on Russia, has further complicated the bilateral relationship. Diplomatic interactions have been minimal and marked by mutual recriminations, with each side accusing the other of exacerbating the conflict.

Economically, the sanctions and the conflict have disrupted trade relations. Canada has reduced its economic engagements with Russia, focusing instead on supporting Ukraine and cooperating with other Western nations to isolate Moscow economically. This shift has implications for Canadian businesses previously engaged with Russia and highlights the broader economic realignments resulting from the conflict​ (ANKASAM)​.

Geopolitical and Strategic Implications

The West’s response to Russia’s actions has involved extensive sanctions and economic measures aimed at curbing Moscow’s aggression. These sanctions have not only targeted Russian individuals and entities but have also included measures such as the oil price cap, significantly impacting the Russian economy. The efficacy and long-term sustainability of these sanctions remain a topic of debate, particularly concerning their impact on European economies heavily dependent on Russian energy​ (ANKASAM)​.

The conflict underscores the shifting dynamics in the global order, moving away from a unipolar world dominated by Western hegemony to a more multipolar environment. Both Russia and China are seen as key challengers to the existing international system, advocating for a world order that better reflects their interests. This geopolitical shift necessitates a reevaluation of strategic alliances and defense strategies among Western nations, including Canada​ (ANKASAM)​.

Canada’s Strategic Posture and International Role

Canada’s response to the Ukraine conflict has been multifaceted, involving military, economic, and diplomatic efforts. Militarily, Canada has been involved in training Ukrainian forces through Operation UNIFIER, providing crucial support in enhancing Ukraine’s defense capabilities. Economically, Canada has imposed extensive sanctions on Russia, targeting various sectors and individuals associated with the Russian government.

Diplomatically, Canada has worked closely with its allies in the G7, NATO, and other international forums to coordinate responses to the conflict. This includes advocating for the use of frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine and pushing for stronger international sanctions against Russia. These efforts highlight Canada’s commitment to upholding international law and supporting Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity​ (SIPRI)​​ (ANKASAM)​.


The rising tensions between Canada and Russia in the context of the Ukraine conflict highlight the complexities of modern geopolitics. Canada’s proactive military monitoring and substantial support for Ukraine demonstrate its commitment to countering Russian aggression. However, this situation also emphasizes the broader implications for global security and the need for adaptive strategies in an increasingly multipolar world. As the conflict continues, the international community must navigate these tensions carefully to avoid further escalation and strive for a sustainable resolution.

The ongoing developments underline the importance of a coordinated international response to uphold the principles of sovereignty and international law, while also addressing the broader geopolitical shifts that challenge the current global order.

Credit: Mr. Saeed Minhas & Mr. Waseem Qadri also contribute this article

Zain Saleem
Zain Saleem
Zain Saleem is an Islamabad-based Senior Journalist

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