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Ukraine Hits Crimea Hard: Will It Lead to Peace?


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The Ukraine war, a conflict that has reverberated across the globe, continues to dominate international headlines. With recent developments, including comments by Russian President Vladimir Putin and significant military engagements in Crimea, the question of a potential ceasefire has re-emerged. the latest updates and analyses whether a ceasefire is a realistic prospect in the current geopolitical climate.

Putin’s Ceasefire Conditions: A Tactical Move?

Vladimir Putin recently outlined conditions for a ceasefire during a meeting at Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, this move has been met with skepticism. John Foreman, the former UK defense attaché in Moscow, cautions against taking these conditions at face value. He references Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas’s remarks at the 2022 Munich Security Conference, where she highlighted Soviet negotiating tactics. Kallas warned that offering concessions in response to Russian demands often results in Moscow gaining advantages without making significant concessions themselves.

This historical perspective suggests that Putin’s ceasefire conditions might be more about strategic positioning rather than a genuine step towards peace. By setting terms, Russia could be attempting to create a narrative that positions them as reasonable actors willing to negotiate, thereby placing the onus on Ukraine and its allies to respond.

The Role of Irregular Forces

Another critical aspect of the conflict is the role of irregular military forces. The UK Ministry of Defence reports that Russia has increasingly centralized the command of these groups. The establishment of the Volunteer Corps in February 2023, which includes over 20,000 volunteers, reservists, mercenaries, and ex-convicts, highlights this trend. These irregular units, primarily operating as light infantry without integrated artillery or air support, have sustained higher casualty rates compared to regular Russian units.

This reliance on irregular forces indicates a potential weakness in Russia’s military strategy, suggesting that conventional forces may be stretched thin. This could influence Russia’s willingness to negotiate, as sustained high casualties and resource depletion might pressure Moscow into considering a ceasefire more seriously.

Ukraine’s Strategic Offensive in Crimea

Ukraine’s persistent attacks on Russian air defenses in Crimea have significantly impacted the region’s military utility for Russia. The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) notes that Ukraine’s strikes, particularly those using US-supplied Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS), have targeted sophisticated Russian air-defense systems like the S-400 “Triumf” and S-300 missile systems. These successful operations demonstrate that even advanced Russian defenses are vulnerable.

The continuous degradation of air defenses in Crimea poses a severe challenge for Russia, as the peninsula serves as a crucial supply route for front-line operations. According to Forbes, the vulnerability of these air-defense systems not only hampers Russian logistical operations but also emboldens Ukrainian forces. However, experts like Keir Giles from Chatham House caution that these air strikes alone are not sufficient to force a Russian withdrawal from Crimea.

The Feasibility of a Ground Offensive

Military experts argue that while Ukraine’s air and naval operations have weakened Russian positions in Crimea, a significant ground offensive would be necessary to reclaim the peninsula. Matthew Savill from the Royal United Services Institute points out that Crimea remains mostly out of range of Ukrainian artillery, necessitating a more substantial ground effort to apply the necessary pressure.

James Black from RAND Europe reinforces this view, suggesting that the Kremlin will not abandon Crimea without enduring substantial casualties, which can only be inflicted through a concerted ground assault. The strategic and political importance of Crimea to Russia makes it unlikely that Putin will consider withdrawal without a major confrontation.

A Ceasefire Unlikely in the Near Term

Given the current dynamics, a ceasefire in the Ukraine war seems improbable in the immediate future. While Russia’s internal challenges, including high casualties among irregular forces and logistical strains in Crimea, might create some pressure for negotiation, these factors alone are insufficient to drive a ceasefire.

Ukraine’s strategic successes in Crimea, though significant, need to be complemented by a robust ground offensive to alter the status quo fundamentally. Furthermore, historical insights into Russian negotiating tactics suggest that any ceasefire conditions proposed by Moscow may be more about gaining strategic advantages rather than genuine peace efforts.

In conclusion, while the discourse around a potential ceasefire continues, the reality on the ground suggests that both sides remain far from reaching an agreement. The war in Ukraine is likely to persist, shaped by ongoing military engagements and the broader geopolitical strategies of the involved parties.

Saeed Minhas
Saeed Minhas
Saeed Minhas is an accomplished journalist with extensive experience in the field. He has held prominent positions such as Editor at Daily Times and Daily Duniya. Currently, he serves as the Chief Editor (National) at The Think Tank Journal

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