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When Collateral Damage Becomes Genocide!


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In a devastating raid on the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, the Israeli military killed at least 274 Palestinians and injured nearly 700 more. This tragic event is just one of many in a conflict that has officially claimed over 37,000 lives in Gaza in just over eight months. The term “collateral genocide” has been used to describe this ongoing violence, reflecting the severe and disproportionate impact on the Palestinian population.

The Nuseirat Raid and International Reaction

On May 26 and 27, 2024, the Israeli military launched a deadly assault on the Nuseirat refugee camp. The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, condemned the attack, labeling it a “massacre of civilians” and calling for an immediate end to the bloodshed. Despite these condemnations, international responses have been largely ineffectual, failing to halt the ongoing violence.

Israeli Captives and the Media Response

During the raid, four Israeli captives held by Hamas were rescued, sparking celebrations and widespread media coverage in Israel. This rescue operation overshadowed the deaths of hundreds of Palestinians, highlighting a stark disparity in the perceived value of lives on either side of the conflict. The media focus on the captives’ reunion with their families diverted attention from the significant loss of Palestinian lives.

Historical Context of Disproportionate Violence

The recent events in Nuseirat are part of a long history of disproportionate violence in Gaza. In previous conflicts, such as Operation Cast Lead in 2008 and Operation Protective Edge in 2014, Israel’s military actions have resulted in significantly higher Palestinian casualties compared to Israeli losses. For example, Operation Cast Lead killed over 1,400 Palestinians, the majority of them civilians, compared to 13 Israeli fatalities. Similarly, Operation Protective Edge resulted in the deaths of 2,251 Palestinians, including 551 children, while Israel lost 73 people.

The Value of Lives in Prisoner Exchanges

The disparity in the perceived value of lives is also evident in prisoner exchanges. In 2011, Israel secured the release of captive soldier Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,027 Palestinian prisoners. This stark contrast underscores the ongoing imbalance in the conflict, where Palestinian lives are often viewed as expendable.

Media and Political Responses

In the aftermath of the Nuseirat raid, Israeli military and media narratives have focused on the rescue of the captives, with little mention of Palestinian casualties. The Jerusalem Post, for instance, criticized Arab social media users for downplaying the significance of the rescue operation and highlighting the Palestinian death toll. Meanwhile, U.S. President Joe Biden praised the return of the captives and reaffirmed his support for Israel, despite the ongoing civilian casualties.

The Role of the United States

The U.S. has played a significant role in the conflict, providing military aid and political support to Israel. Despite a recent warning from President Biden about halting the supply of offensive weapons to Israel in the event of increased civilian casualties, U.S.-manufactured weapons continue to be used in attacks that kill civilians. This support complicates efforts to reach a ceasefire and end the bloodshed.

Collateral genocide

The term “collateral genocide” aptly describes the ongoing violence in Gaza, where disproportionate attacks result in significant Palestinian casualties. International condemnations have failed to stop the violence, and media narratives often obscure the true human cost of the conflict. To address this crisis, there must be a shift towards a more balanced and humane approach that prioritizes the lives and rights of all individuals involved. Without such a change, the cycle of violence and suffering will continue unabated.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect THINK TANK JOURNAL s editorial stance.

Saeed Minhas
Saeed Minhas
Saeed Minhas is an accomplished journalist with extensive experience in the field. He has held prominent positions such as Editor at Daily Times and Daily Duniya. Currently, he serves as the Chief Editor (National) at The Think Tank Journal

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