A latest research report published by Oxford University Silk Road Society Think Tank focused the China Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC) greener aspect of PTI led Imran Khan government.
During election campaign PM Imran Khan promised for greener CPEC with tsunami tree project with billions of plantations alongside the CPEC route.

A British think tank believe that Pakistan play its key role in greener CPEC idea, instead of Chinese government and private companies, and Chinese are not primarily focusing the “Greener” Belt and Road Initiative (PRI) project.
The report named “CPEC 2.0” examines four CPEC projects Special Economic Zone, Coal Power Plant, Road Network, and a Hydropower Project as case study to find out the environmental impacts.
During election campaign PM Imran Khan promised for greener CPEC with tsunami tree project with billions of plantations alongside the CPEC route.
Oxford University Silk Road Society Think Tank mentioned in the report that about 7,000 trucks will travel from China to Pakistan via world’s highest mountain region and received estimated 36.5 million tons of carbon dioxide.
Matthew MacGeoch, the founder of the Oxford University Silk Road Society Think Tank, emphasizes that Pakistan’s Greener CPEC Idea can reduced the issues and make this project an ideal and environment friendly.